Monday, 12 December 2011

Xerostomia or Dry Mouth Disease

Xerostomia or Dry Mouth Disease

How ill If There's Disease in the Human Body. How ill, if we have a disease Xerostomia or Dry Mouth Disease. We will certainly be disrupted activity uncomfortableLack of saliva is a common problem. Dry mouth disorders can affect the enjoyment of eating and dental health. The medical term for dry mouth is xerostomia.

Saliva serves to moisten the mouth, helping to swallow, and taste food. Saliva also helps prevent the formation of dental plaque caused by food.

Xerostomia may occur for several reasons. Here are the 5 most common causes of which often cause xerostomia:

1. Drug Side Effects

The drugs are the most common cause of xerostomia. Hundreds of medications can cause dry mouth.

Including the painkillers, drugs for depression, flu medicine, muscle spasm drugs, and drug allergies.

Elderly people often take many drugs, including drugs that may cause dry mouth. Therefore, many of those who experience dry mouth conditions.

2. Diseases of Complications and Infectious

Some diseases associated with dry mouth. Among them are diabetes, anemia, cystic fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, high blood pressure, and HIV infection.

Xerostomia also occurs in Sjogren's syndrome. In this condition, the body's antibodies attack the salivary glands and tear glands.

Some viral infections, such as mumps, also affect saliva production and cause xerostomia.

3. Dehydration

Any condition that causes loss of body fluids can also cause xerostomia.

These conditions include fever, excessive sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, blood loss, or loss of water through the skin due to burns.

4. Radiation Therapy

Xerostomia is a common side effect due to radiation therapy to treat cancer in the head and neck.

5. Salivary Gland Removal Surgery

If there is a large swelling in the salivary gland, surgical removal of the gland may be done. If the salivary glands diangakat, then of course the production of saliva will stop.

Symptoms of Xerostomia

If it does not produce enough saliva, the signs and symptoms of the following:
* Dryness in the mouth
* Saliva that seems thick
* Sores or split skin at the corners of your mouth
* Lips chapped
* Bad breath
* Difficulty speaking or swallowing
* Sore throat
* Fungal infections in the mouth
* Increased plaque, tooth decay and gum disease


If the doctor believes that medication is the cause, usually a doctor adjust the dose or switching to another drug that does not cause dry mouth. Another possibility doctor will give stimulants of saliva.

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