Prevent diabetes mellitus with obesity fight
If we suffer from this disease, really how ill. If you suffer from overweight or obese, you need to be aware of diabetes mellitus. Many studies and research are called risk factors for diabetes are overweight. before it's too late, watch your diet, avoid excessive sugar consumption and regular exercise.
According to WHO, of the seven billion human population on earth, there are 15 billion are obese. This high enough numbers quite disturbing because each year continues to increase. Increase in a straight line with a number of diabetics. Obesity is not ideally between weight by height or body mass index could be called.
How to calculate it quite easily and without requiring any tools other than the scales. The formula body mass index = weight (kg) / (height (cm) / 100) x 2. example, adan weight = 50 kg, height 160 cm, body mass index = 50 / (160/100) 2 = 50 / 2.56 = 19.53. Value of body mass index between 23-25 is considered normal. but if more than 25, can be said to be obese.
In addition to measuring the body mass index, there are other more practical ways, namely measuring the waist circumference by finding the highest point on the pubic bone. If the male has a size of more than 90 cm and women more than 80 cm, indicating overweight. But it is different if the excess is a muscle, for example people who work bodybuilders.
On diabetes alert day which falls on 14 November last, the WHO called for towards the ideal weight to avoid the complications of the disease. Current best prevention is to keep eating, in order to remain an ideal.
But this is not an easy affair. The desire to eat great food is always tempting, especially, the rapid information about good food and fast food. Obesity can be seen from the shape of the body. Obesity is similar to a pear, big hips and obesity is a big apple in the central. Apple obesity has a greater chance of developing diabetes than obesity pear. Central obesity should get special attention prior to developing the disease.
Unhealthy habits such as lazing in front of the television while eating snacks, should be avoided. High-calorie junk food, more calories than your body needs. It will accumulate excess into fat. Routine exercise is for those who have not been affected by diabetes. That have been affected can exercise according to the doctor's advice.