Disease Xeroftalmia
How ill If There's Disease in the Human Body. How ill, if we have Xeroftalmia disease. We will certainly be disrupted activity uncomfortable. Xerophthalmia or xerosis, is a disease caused by dry eye conjunctiva and cornea of the eye caused by lack of vitamin A.
Vitamin A deficiency is the leading cause of blindness in the world. However, based on studies that vitamin A deficiency is not only fatal to vision only in eye health, but also adversely affect children's health and overall child survival.
Lack of vitamin A found in some regions such as Southeast Asia (Indonesia one of them), in which the rice is milled into rice is a staple food. Early symptoms of vitamin A deficiency is night blindness usually. If left unchecked it will continue at the onset of deposition of foamy (Bitot spots) in the whites of the eye (sclera) and cornea can harden and form scar tissue, commonly referred xeroftalmia disease symptoms, which can cause permanent blindness.
One of the early symptoms of this disease is night blindness, reduced ability to see at dusk the day.
Figures xeroftalmia women suffer, a kind of eye diseases characterized by dry eyes and mucous membranes clear, because of lack of vitamin A, is twice that of his men. xeroftalmia common in postmenopausal women, elderly, and those who wear contact lenses, computer users and drinkers cure for the disease.
Surgeon from New York that is Marguerite McDonald said, that there are 20 million people in the United States suffer from xeroftalmia and not realize it, but blaming other causes and reasons. He had undergone laser eye surgery first in the world. The number of women who are tormented by xeroftalmia is 2-fold the number of male patients, and common in postmenopausal women, elderly, and those who wear contact lenses, computer users and drinkers cure for the disease.
Causes of xeroftalmia because the eyes can not shed tears naturally or in an appropriate amount, may result in blurry eyes, allergic to light, the symptoms of feeling anything in the view. Xeroftalmia common in the summer, the city neighborhood that has a number of high pollution also can aggravate the disease state.
National Women's Health Resource Center combines the 100 metropolitan areas across America the most likely occurrence xeroftalmia, the first city is Las Vegas. Serial number is based on six factors: temperature, humidity, wind power, altitude, pollution levels and sources of eye allergies.
Xeroftalmia can become more severe due to high temperatures, dry environment and lots of wind, sea surface height, the use of air conditioning and smog. Atlanta is the only region in the eastern U.S. cities in the top 10 in the above sequence, and 5 regional cities in the state of Texas also made the top 10 in the above sequence. Boston, Danville, Pittsburgh, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore are at number 25.
National Women's Health Resource Center said, an extra handling including Restasis prescription drugs, patients need to use eye drops above 3 times every day, if not, will often arise xeroftalmia symptoms. Inappropriate handling, may increase the risk of infection or visually impaired.
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