Thursday, 15 December 2011

Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer

How ill If There's Disease in the Human Body. How ill, if we experience disease Skin Cancer. Surely we feel is the pain and discomfortSkin cancer these days tend to have increased in number especially in the Americas, Australia and Britain. Based on several studies, they were white men are more likely to suffer this type of skin cancer. It is predicted as a result of their frequent exposure (lots of exposure) sunlight. In Indonesia people with skin cancer is fairly small compared to the 3rd country, however, skin cancer needs to be understood because in addition to causing disability (ruin the appearance) is also at an advanced stage can be fatal to patients.

Skin Cancer is a disease characterized by the growth of skin cells that are not controlled, can damage surrounding tissue and can spread to other parts of the body. There are three types of skin cancer that often affects most people, such as basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and malignant melanoma (MM).

Skin cancer is the growth of cells in the skin at an abnormal level. The cause of skin cancer is different and the level of malignancy of cancer was different. Skin cancer most commonly occurs in layers of squamous cells, basal and melanocytes. Skin cancer usually grows in the epidermis (outermost layer of skin), so that the tumor (lump) can be seen from the outside, so that skin cancer is a type of cancer is most easily found symptoms in its early stages. skin cancer is also the least risk of cancer death in people, this is because the skin is rarely able to reach vital organs like the heart, lungs, kidneys and brain stem in humans.

Although visually easy to detect symptoms of skin cancer, still many people who are late in treatment. This is because most people assume the same all the blemishes or moles. Though there are several criteria for black spot or mole that is suspect as skin cancer.

People who work in direct sunlight, have a higher risk of skin cancer than those with less exposure to sunlight.

As is common cancers, skin cancers do not cause serious pain before it suffered in the acute stage. Therefore we need to be alert to recognize the symptoms of skin cancer.

Stains or a new mole that appears and is not innate.

The shape is asymmetric or irregular.

• The presence of black spots and moles that cause itching or pain.

Between a mole or black spot there is no clear line to the area in sekitanya and color the edges tend to be vague.

The color, if not black or brown but tend to redness.

The mole or black spot continues to grow by more than half a centimeter.

In addition to the above traits, symptoms of skin cancer can also be rough skin and looks like a scar. If there is a mole or black spot with the characteristics of the above immediately consult a physician. Early detection of skin cancer symptoms will facilitate the healing process because it is handled from the beginning.

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