Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Sprue - Really how much ill if you suffer from this ill

Sprue - really how much ill if you suffer from this ill

How ill If There's Disease in the Human Body. How ill, if you have canker. Activity we would be distracted and uncomfortableThrush or stomatitis aphtosa is a disorder of the mucous membrane of mouth sores in the mouth in the form of yellowish-white spots with a slightly concave surface. Thrush is accompanied by the emergence of high pain. If attacked by canker sores really how ill.

Thrush is an oral disorder most commonly found. This ill, suffered by about 10% of the population, and women are more susceptible than men.

There are several factors that cause the alleged cause of this ill (thrush), such as bite wounds, consuming food or hot drinks, allergies, lack of vitamin C and iron, digestive disorders, oral hygiene is not maintained, psychological factors, and body condition are not fit.

Ill canker sores in the same place for two weeks to one month can be used as an indication of cancer of the oral cavity.

Stomatitis Aphtous / Ulcer not only caused by a deficiency of vitamin C, but otherwise known to be caused by allergies SA citrus or acidic food allergies, weak immune conditions, certain drugs, physical trauma (or the use of new dentures), and so on.

Vitamin C deficiency disease itself is Scurvy or failure of the synthesis of collagen which is characterized by easily bleeding gums, skin bleeding (purpura), etc..

In some cases, the materials in the house can be an easy way to treat this ill (thrush):

1. Gargling with salt water
Gargling with salt mixed with warm water three times a day can heal canker sores quickly. Salt content can attract fluid to the wound so it can speed healing of canker sores ill.

2. drinking yogurt
Yogurt helps balance the bacteria in the mouth and body. This will speed healing and help prevent the ill of canker sores. To feel the results, make sure the yogurt contains live acidophilus.

3. Rinse mouth with traditional medicine
Rinse mouth with one of several traditional medicines to cure this ill, such as aloe vera, grape seed extract, hydrogen peroxide, mango juice, tea tree oil and warm water with salt.

4. Apply wound with onion and papaya
Applying medication directly to the canker sores can also accelerate wound healing mouth ulcer ill. Use raw onion, papaya or tea bag directly on the wound canker sores.

5. Try baking soda
Mix baking soda with water which is used as a mouthwash or paste to coat the sores canker sores. Baking soda will help eliminate bacteria in the mouth and reduce the pain of canker sores.

6. Take vitamins
Studies show ill canker sores are more common in people who lack vitamin B. Vitamin C, iron and folic acid also plays a role in preventing and healing ulcers.

When the ill canker sores never healed up to 2 weeks or more, then you should see a physician. This is a sign of a more serious condition that needs to be addressed.

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