Sunday, 27 November 2011

Sinusitis Disease


How ill If There's Disease in the Human Body. How ill, if we are experiencing Diseases Sinusitis. Activity we would be distracted and uncomfortable. If we suffer from this disease, really how ill. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses that occurs because of allergies or viral infections, bacteria and fungi.

Sinusitis can occur in one of the four existing sinuses (maxillary, etmoidalis, frontal or sfenoidalis).

Causes of sinusitis:

Sinusitis can be acute (lasting 3 weeks or less), or chronic (lasting for 3-8 weeks but can continue for many months or even years).

The cause of acute sinusitis:
  • Virus infection.
Acute sinusitis can occur after a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract (eg colds).
  • Bacteria.
In the human body there are several types of bacteria that normally do not cause disease (eg Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae). If the body's defense system is decreased or the drainage of sinus congestion due to colds or other viral infections, the bacteria that were not dangerous will proliferate and infiltrate into the sinuses, causing an acute sinus infection.
  • Fungal infections.
Sometimes fungal infections can cause acute sinusitis.

Aspergillus is a fungus that can cause sinusitis in people with immune system disorders.

In certain people, fungal sinusitis is a type of allergic reaction to mold.

  • Chronic inflammation of the nasal passages.
In patients with allergic rhinitis may occur acute sinusitis. 
Similarly, in patients with vasomotor rhinitis.
  • Certain diseases.
Acute sinusitis is more common in people with immune system disorders and patients with abnormal secretion of mucus (eg cystic fibrosis)

Causes of chronic sinusitis:
  • Asthma
  • Allergic diseases (eg allergic rhinitis)
  • Immune system disorders or abnormalities of mucus secretion or disposal.
Symptoms of sinusitis:

Typical symptoms of abnormalities in the sinuses is a headache that is felt when the patient woke up in the morning.
  • Acute and chronic sinusitis have similar symptoms, namely tenderness and swelling of the sinuses are affected, but there are certain symptoms that arise based on the affected sinus:
  • Maxillary sinusitis causes pain on the cheek just below the eyes, toothache and headaches.
  • Frontal sinusitis causes headache in the forehead.
  • Etmoidalis sinusitis causes pain behind and between the eyes and headache in the forehead. Etmoidalis sinus inflammation can also cause pain when the edge of the nose in the press, reduced sense of smell and nasal congestion.
  • Sinusitis causes pain sfenoidalis whose location is uncertain and could be felt at the top of the head of the front or rear, or sometimes causes ear pain and neck pain.
Other symptoms are:

- Not feeling well

- Fever

- Tired, lethargic

- Cough, which may worsen at night
- Runny nose or nasal congestion.

Fever and chills indicate that the infection has spread beyond the sinuses.

Mucous membranes of the nose looks red and swollen, pus from the nose may be out of yellow or green.
Sinusitis & Immune System Disorders
 In patients with uncontrolled diabetes or people with immune system disorders, fungal sinusitis can cause serious and even fatal.

Mukormikosis (fikomikosis) is a fungal infection that can occur in people with uncontrolled diabetes.

In the nasal cavity contained a black dead tissue and block blood flow to the brain, causing neurological symptoms (eg headaches and blindness).

Diagnosis based on microscopic examination of the dead tissue.
Treatment includes control of diabetes and anti-fungal drug amphotericin B intravenously (through a vein).

Aspergillosis and candidiasis is a fungal infection of the sinuses that can be fatal in people with impaired immune systems due to anti-cancer therapies or disease (eg leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, or AIDS.)
In aspergillosis, in the nose and sinus polyps are formed.

Diagnosis based on results of examination of the polyp.

The treatment of sinus surgery and the administration of amphotericin B intravenously.

Diganosis established based on symptoms, sinus x-rays and physical examination results.

To determine the extent and severity of sinusitis, a CT scan can be done.

In maxillary sinusitis, dental x-ray examination to determine the existence of a dental abscess.
Treatment of acute sinusitis:
For acute sinusitis is usually given:
  • Decongestants to reduce clogging
  • Antibiotics to control bacterial infections
  • Pain medication to relieve pain.
  • Decongestants in the form of nose drops or nasal spray may only be used for a limited time (due to long-term use can cause blockage and swelling of the nasal passages).
  • To reduce clogging, swelling and inflammation can be given a nasal spray that contains steroids.
Chronic sinusitis:
  • Given antibiotics and decongestants.
  • To reduce the inflammation is usually given a nasal spray that contains steroids.
  • If disease is severe, steroids may be given by mouth (orally).
The following things can be done to reduce the discomfort:

- Inhaling steam from a vaporizer or a bowl of hot water.

- Nasal spray containing saline solution.

- Warm compresses on the affected sinus area.

If it can not be resolved by such treatment, then the only way to treat chronic sinusitis is surgery.

In children, the situation is often improved after removal of adenoids that block the sinuses to the nasal tract.

In adult patients who also have allergic diseases sometimes found polyps in the nose. Polyps should be removed so that the airway is open and sinus symptoms reduced.

Surgical technique that is now mostly done is functional endoscopic sinus surgery.

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