Sunday, 8 January 2012

Preventing And Treating Dermatitis Skin Disease

How ill if there is disease in our bodies. How ill, if we have Dermatitis Skin Disease. Activities we will definitely disturbed and uncomfortableThere are many illnesses that attack the human skin, one of which is dermatitis. Dermatitis is a skin disorder with subjective symptoms of itching. The disease is usually characterized by a rash that polimorfi and generally bounded by the firm. The skin looks inflamed and irritated. This inflammation can occur anywhere but are most often affected are the hands and feet.

In this dermatitis disease is indiscriminate, everyone young and old "chance" of this disease. This disease usually appears in infants aged two years. The more a person's age increases, this dermatitis could disappear by itself. However, in some cases there is someone who for all his life affected by this disease.

Type of disease which is often called eczema by most people, having some kind, one of which is atopic dermatitis, on the type of dermatitis, is a situation where there is a chronic skin inflammation and residif, accompanied by itching. This disease usually have a history / stigmata of atopy (group of diseases in individuals who have a history of sensitivity to allergens in the family, eg asthma, bronchial, allergic initiated).

Phase dermatitis

There are two phases that are usually experienced by people with dermatitis. First, the child phase, this phase begins with the emergence of sub-acute dermatitis. This type of dermatitis tends to be drier. Dermatitis often appears in the folding elbow / knee. Second, the adult phase, this phase is accompanied by the appearance of hyperpigmentation (excess pigment in the skin that can cause a black color on the infected scar), and likenifikasi hyperkeratosis (thickening of the skin and increased clarity the lines of normal skin).

Effect of contact dermatitis varies, ranging from reddish light and lasts only a moment until the severe swelling and blisters the skin.

The rash is often composed of small itchy blisters (vesicles). At first the rash confined to areas in direct contact with allergens (substances causing allergic reactions), but the rash may spread furtherThe rash can be very small (eg holes for earrings) or can cover large areas of the body (eg dermatitis due to the use of body lotions).

If the rash-causing substance is no longer used, usually within a few days redness will disappear. Blisters will burst and release the liquid and form a scab and then dried. The remains of scales, itching and thickening of the skin are temporary, may last for several days or weeks.

To prevent dermatitis, there are several kinds of ways of handling them is hispatologi examination (acute, chronic) and conducted a series of prick and patch tests (positive reaction after 24-48 hours).

Prevention of contact dermatitis means avoiding contact with substances such as poison ivy or harsh soaps that can cause it. Prevention strategies include:
  • Rinse skin with water and use mild soap if dermatitis due to contact with a substance. Try washing to remove many irritants or allergens from your skin. Be sure to rinse the soap completely off your body.
  • Wearing cotton or plastic gloves when doing household chores to avoid contact with cleaners or solvents.
  • If at work, wear protective clothing or gloves to protect your skin against harmful compounds.
  • Apply a barrier cream or gel to your skin to provide a protective coating. Also, use moisturizer to restore skin's outer layer and to prevent evaporation of moisture.
  • Use a mild detergent without fragrance when washing clothes, towels and blankets. Try to do an additional rinse cycle on a washing machine.
Treatment is done by eliminating or avoiding substances cause contact dermatitis.

To prevent infection and avoid irritation, the affected area should be cleaned regularly with water and mild soap. Blisters should not be solved. Dry bandages can also prevent infection.

Corticosteroid creams or ointments can usually relieve the symptoms of a mild contact dermatitis.

Corticosteroid tablets are sometimes used in severe cases.

In certain circumstances giving antihistamines may relieve itching.

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