Friday, 20 January 2012

Prevent And Treat Disease Whooping Cough | Pertussis

Prevent and treat disease whooping cough (pertussis).

How ill if there is disease in our bodies. How ill, if you have whooping cough or pertussis disease. Activity we would be distracted and uncomfortableWhooping cough disease or also known as pertussis, is a contagious disease. In the world happens around 30 to 50 million cases per year, and causes death in 300,000 cases (data from WHO). This disease usually occurs in children aged under 1 year. 90 percent of these cases occur in developing countries, the disease is usually caused by the bacterium Bordetella but is not infrequently caused by B. parapertussis.

Pertussis or whooping cough or cough hundred days is an acute disease caused by Bordetella pertussis. Pertussis is a toxin mediated disease, the toxin produced by bacteria (vibrating feathers attached to the upper airway) will cripple the vibrating bristles so that the flow disturbance respiratory tract secretions, and potentially causing pneumonia.

Symptoms occur within 7-10 days after infection. The bacteria infect the lining the throat, trachea and airway mucus so that the formation of more and more. At first the mucus thin, but it then becomes thick and sticky.

Usually begins with symptoms of mild respiratory tract infection such as coughing, sneezing and nasal fluids out continuously (in the catarrhal stage), then after 1 week to 2 weeks followed by a cough who continuously, but there is a pause followed by a period in which cough (paroxysmal stage). This cough may be followed by the vomiting, it is because of nausea who suffered, and in young children where the physiological reflexes who has not formed perfectly it will cause vomiting, this is not infrequently leads to malnutrition. Coughing may be the trigger by yawning, laughing or yelling, and will be reduced after 1 to 2 months. Complications can follow this state who is pneumonia, encephalitis, pulmonary hypertension, and adhering to bacterial infection.

Infection lasts for 6 weeks, and progressed through three stages:

1.  Catarrhal stage (started to happen gradually within 7-10 days after infection). Mild flu-like symptoms:
- A sneeze-sneeze.
- Watery eyes.
- Decreased appetite.
- Fatigue.
- Cough (initially only occur at night and then going throughout the day).

2. Paroxysmal stage (start arising within 10-14 days after onset of initial symptoms). 5-15 times a cough followed by breathing in a high tone. After a few times normal breathing, coughing occurred again ended with a high-pitched breathingCoughing can be accompanied by spending large amounts of mucus that usually ingested by infants / children or appear as a bubble of air in the nose). Cough or thick mucus often stimulate the occurrence of vomiting. Coughing attacks can be terminated by a temporary loss of consciousness. In infants, apneu (stopping breathing), and choking is more common than the high-pitched breath.

3. Convalescent phase (taking place within 4-6 weeks after initial symptoms). Diminished cough, vomiting was also reduced, the child seemed to feel better. Sometimes coughing occurs during many months, usually due to respiratory tract irritation.

Pertussis is spread through droplets from coughing patients who are affected and then inhaled by healthy people who have no immunity, antibiotics can be given to reduce the occurrence of bacterial infection and reduce the likelihood of adhering memberatnya this disease (until the catarrhal stage) after the catarrhal stage of antibiotics remains given to reduce the spread of the disease, antibiotics are also given to people who had contact with patients, as expected with this provision will reduce the occurrence of infection in healthy people are.

Treating the disease whooping cough or pertussis can be done in the following way:

*  If severe pertussis disease, patients are usually hospitalized. They were placed in a quiet room and not too bright. The noise may stimulate coughing.

*  Can be suctioned from his throat. In severe cases, oxygen is administered directly into the lungs through a tube inserted into the trachea.

*  To replace fluids lost through vomiting and because infants usually can not eat due to cough, then given fluids through an IV. Good nutrition is very important, and should be given food in small portions but frequently.

*  To eradicate the bacteria, antibiotics are usually given eritromycin.

To prevent the disease whooping cough or pertussis, can be done by way of immunization at 2, 4, 6, and 18 months and 4-6 years. Expected likelihood of pertussis terkenanya will be lower with his immunizations are given, and symptoms of disease would not be as heavy if given without immunization.

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