Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Dengue Fever

Dengue Fever

How ill if there is illness in our body. How ill, if you have dengue fever disease. Activity we would be distracted and uncomfortable. Dengue fever (DB) is an acute febrile disease caused by dengue virus, which enters the human bloodstream through the bite of a mosquito of the genus Aedes, such as Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus. There are four types of dengue virus is different, but closely correlated, which can cause dengue fever. Dengue virus is a virus of the genus Flavivirus, family Flaviviridae. Dengue fever are found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world, especially in the humid rainy season. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that each year there are 50-100 million cases of dengue virus infection worldwide.

Signs and Symptoms of Dengue Fever

The period of shoot / incubation for 3-15 days after a person stricken with dengue virus, then the patient will reveal a variety of signs and symptoms of dengue fever as follows:
  • The sudden high fever 2-7 days (38-40 degrees Celsius).
  • On examination torniquet test, it appears the larvae (puspura) bleeding.
  • The presence of bleeding dikelopak inner eye (conjunctiva), nosebleed (Epitaksis), bowel movements with stools (peaces) in the form of mucus mixed with blood (Melena), and others.
  • Liver enlargement (Hepatomegaly).
  • Decreased blood pressure causing shock.
  • In laboratory tests (blood) day to 3-7 a decrease in platelets below 100,000 / mm3 (thrombocytopenia), an increase in hematocrit values ​​above 20% of normal value (hemoconcentration).
  • The emergence of several clinical symptoms that accompany such as nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite (anorexia), abdominal pain, diarrhea, chills, cramps and headaches.
  • Bleeding of the nose (nosebleeds) and gums.
  • Fever sufferers perceived causes sore complaint / ill in the joints.
  • The emergence of red spots on the skin due to rupture of blood vessels.
Steps to Prevent Dengue Fever

Here are some steps you can do to prevent dengue fever or DHF is more commonly referred to are:
  • Bury all the objects that have the potential to be a reservoir of water when it rains in the vicinity of your home or boarding houses, such as cans, bottles and so on.
  • Drain your tub once every week. It aims to prevent Aedes mosquitoes lay their eggs Aegypt. So, rather than whether the job drain the tub once a week is not heavy.
  • And the last step you can do is, sprinkle abate powder, you can buy at the drug store or pharmacy nearby, into your bathtub.
Treatment of Dengue Fever Disease

The focus of treatment in patients with dengue disease is control bleeding, prevent or treat shock / presyok, namely to try to get people with a lot to drink about 1.5 to 2 liters of water in 24 hours (water and sugar syrup tea or milk).

The addition of body fluids through an IV (intravenous) may be needed to prevent excessive dehydration and hemoconcentration. Platelet transfusions performed if the platelet count dropped dramatically. Next is the provision of drugs to complaints that arise, for example:
  • Paracetamol helps to lower fever.
  • Electrolyte Salts (ORS) if accompanied by diarrhea.
  • Antibiotics are useful to prevent secondary infection.
Apply cold compress, no need to ice because it can have an impact shock. Even some of the medical team suggested compress can be done with alcohol. Alternative medicine is commonly known by drinking guava juice bangkok, but efficacy has not been proven in medical, but the reality can restore guava intravenous fluids and an increase in the value of blood platelets.

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