Friday, 2 December 2011

Dangers of Narcotics and Drug / Hazardous Materials (Drug) for Our Bodies

Dangers of Narcotics and Drug / Hazardous Materials (Drug) for Our Bodies

How ill If There's Disease in the Human Body. How ill, if we experience Narcotics and Drug addiction. Activity we would be distracted and uncomfortableNarcotics and drug / hazardous substances (drugs) are substances or drugs derived from plants or not the plant, either synthetic or semi synthetic which can cause a decrease or change of consciousness, loss of pain and can lead to dependence.

Which includes types of drugs are:
  • Papaver plants, raw opium, opium cooking (opium, opium dust, jicingko), opium drug, morfina, kokaina, ekgonina, cannabis plant and cannabis resin.
  • Salts and derivatives of morfina and kokaina, as well as mixtures and preparations containing the ingredients mentioned above.
Is a substance or a psychotropic drug, either natural or synthetic narcotic not, are efficacious psychoactive through selective effects on the central nervous system that causes a change in mental activity and behavior.

Psychotropic substances which include among others:
  • Sedatin (Pill BK), Rohypnol, Magadon, Valium, Mandarax, Amfetamine, Fensiklidin, Metakualon, Metifenidat, Phenobarbital, Flunitrazepam, Ecstasy, Shabu-shabu, LSD (Lycergic Syntetic diethylamide), etc..
Addictive other hazardous materials are natural materials, semi-synthetic or synthetic which can be used as a substitute morfina or kokaina which can disrupt the central nervous system, such as:
  • Ethyl alcohol containing ethanol, inhalen / sniffing (solvent) in the form of organic matter (carbon) which produces a similar effect to that produced by an alcoholic beverage or drug anaestetik if the scent is inhaled. Example: glues / adhesives, aceton, ether, etc..
The spread of Drugs

Until now, the spread of drug abuse was almost unavoidable. In view of almost the entire population of the world can easily get drugs from rogue elements who are not responsible. Of course this can make parents, community organizations, and governments concerned.

Any drug eradication efforts have often done, but still less likely to avoid drugs among adolescents and adults, even children of primary and secondary school too much to fall into drug abuse. Until now the most effective efforts to prevent drug abuse in children is a family education. Parents are expected to supervise and educate their children in order to always stay away from drug abuse.

Based on the effects of the wearer, drugs are grouped as follows:

* Hallucinogens, the effects of drugs could result if taken in certain doses so may cause someone to be her hallucinations by looking at some things / objects that are not there / not real example cocaine & LSD.
* Stimulants, effects of drugs that could lead to working organs like the heart and brain working faster than usual, resulting in a person's work is more powerful for a while, and tend to make a user more happy and excited for a while.

* Depressant, effects of drugs that can suppress the central nervous system and reduces the functional activity of the body, so the wearer feel calm even make users sleep and unconsciousness. For example putaw.

* Addictive, Someone who is taking drugs will usually want to and want to anymore because of certain substances in the drug resulted in a person tends to be passive, because the drug indirectly decide the nerves in the brain, such as marijuana, heroin, putaw.
* If it's too long and had drug addiction then gradually in the body's organs will be damaged and if it exceeds the dose so that users will overdose and ultimately death.

Dangers of Narcotics and drugs or materials barbahaya (Drugs):

In Indonesia, a drug addict is progress more rapidly. The drug addict is generally aged between 11 to 24 years. This means that age is the age or ages of students.

At first, students who take drugs are usually preceded by his acquaintance with cigarettes.

Because of the smoking habit seems to have become the norm among students today. From this habit, association continues to increase, especially when those students are merged into the environment of people who have become drug addicts. At first try, and then suffered a dependency.

The negative impact of drug abuse on children or adolescents are as follows:

* A change in attitude, temperament and personality,
* Often truant, declining discipline and grades,

* Becomes irritable and quick to anger,

* Frequent yawning, sleepy, and lazy,
* Does not care about personal hygiene,
* Likes to steal to buy drugs.

Prevention efforts

Prevention efforts against the spread of drugs among students, already should be our responsibility. In this case all parties including parents, teachers, and communities should participate actively in the alert to the threat of drugs to our children.

The efforts of the more concrete we can do is cooperate with the authorities to do counseling about the dangers of drugs, or may hold a surprise raid on a regular basis.

Then the assistance of parents themselves by giving attention and affection.

The school must conduct strict controls over the movements of their students, because it is usually spread (transaction) drugs often occurs around the school environment.

No less important is the moral and religious education should be more emphasized to the students. Because one of the causes terjerumusnya children into this vicious circle is the lack of moral and religious education which they absorb, so it was a disgraceful act like this, eventually they lead.

Therefore, from now on, we as educators, teachers, and as parents, should be alert and vigilant, the dangers of drugs which can sometimes be a trap of our own children. With the efforts mentioned above, let us watch and watch our students, from the dangers of drugs, so we hope to spawn a generation of intelligent and resilient in the future can be realized as well.

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