Wednesday, 16 November 2011


Alternative sweetener for diabetics

How ill If There's Disease in the Human Body. How ill, if you have diabetes mellitus. Activity we would be distracted and uncomfortableArtificial sweeteners should still watch out for and consumed properly. Despite lower levels of calories from sugar, sweeteners of these chemicals can damage the health and allegedly capable of triggering a serious illness if consumed in excess. Awareness of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle will be comparable to what is expected.

Healthy lifestyle eating one of them to limit sugary drinks. Maintaining the health of the young before the infestation should be a serious illness. Another healthy habit is to restrict yourself from eating or drinking sweet and made ​​from preservative. Indeed this behavior seemed to conflict with the modern lifestyle featuring glamorous by eating fast food or junk food. Lifestyle does not mean anything if adverse effects in the future and health is at stake.

Eating sugar within normal limits will not be detrimental to health. Pancreas as plant insulin can still work fairly, not terforsir or working too hard. Diabetes mellitus have to control ourselves in order to limit drinks containing artificial sweeteners. If we suffer from this disease, really how ill. Calorie sweetener although not as high in sugar, its use should still be as directed. Principally limit yourself and not excessive. Beware of the artificial sweetener products in circulation. many products that claim to natural ingredients but still include chemicals. If the product is consumed in large quantities can be harmful to health. Consuming alternative sweeteners are safe for consumption origin does not exceed safe limits and should be in moderation, in the context of a balanced diet.
Beware of artificial sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners are consumed in excess will bedampak bad and damage the health. If you are worried that the consumption of food containing artificial sweeteners, look at its characteristics. Foods or drinks that contain artificial sweeteners will cause a bitter taste after consumption. Fed artificially sweetened drinks will be diluted.

There are about five artificial sweeteners that circulate in the community that is stevia, sucrose, aspartame, saccharin and sugar alcohols. Stevia has a level 250-300 times sweeter than sugar. Usually present in beverage products in containers. Sucrose levels could reach 600 times sweeter than sugar. Sucrose is widely used in foods and beverages and do not cause a bitter taste while cooking. These substances the body can not digest.

There are lots of aspartame in beverage packaging products, allegedly dangerous for people with metabolic disorders derived. If consumed in large quantities and continuously will lead to health problems.

Sweetener that has the highest levels of saccharin taste which reached 700 times sweeter than sugar. Saccharin is widely used by the food industry, found in soft drinks, chewing gum and the product is causing a bitter taste when heated.

Finally, the sugar alcohol, derived from chemical reactions in the form of reduced glucose. Species namely sorbitol, maltitol and xylitol that still have calories between 1.5 to 3 calories / gram. so it would be dangerous for diabetics, and if consumed in excess can increase sugar levels.

Reduce or eliminate your intake of sugars in food and drink does not automatically make it a low-calorie. Especially when eating foods that were given artificial sweeteners too much, might as well as excess calorie intake.

Safe limits based on the use of artificial sweeteners Accepted Daily Intake (ADI) BPOM
  • Fruktosa < 50 grams/day
  • Sukralosa 5 mg/kg (weight)/day
  • Sorbitol < 30 grams/day
  • Manitol < 20 grams/day
  • Aspartam 50 mg/kg(weight)/day
  • Sakarin 1 grams/day

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